Tuesday 3 June 2014

Weekend Plain Air Studies

On Sunday we went out with my boy to a play ground, as we usually do in weekends, and for the first time I took with me my small field box. It is a Cotman field box, but now the Cotman paints are long gone and I have replaced them with various artist grade paints (W&N, American Journey, Daniel Smith) from tubes and let them bone dry to be able to carry it in my purse. I also have a Pentel brush, which allows me to go out without a water container - it holds enough water for small studies (7x5 inches). So, my son and my husband were playing, I did a fast study of one of the pine trees near by. I liked the leaning profile of the tree against the blue of the sea and sky. It was a direct paint application, without any preliminary pencil drawing, and I was looking to capture the tree "portrait" and the light.

Latter, at evening, I noticed the strange combination of sunset colors and close dark clouds while looking on the other side of Patras Bay, the Antirio mountain land. And did another small study with direct paint on the paper without any pencil drawing. I am starting to enjoy very much these small plain air studies!

I must get another one of the last done in the studio, with much stronger sunset colors, as they were in reality. Somehow, much of the color intensity got lost while drying.

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